Avoid These Common Hiring Mistakes

Avoid These Common Hiring Mistakes Attracting top talent is essential, especially in today’s competitive job market. To stand out, you must demonstrate value and avoid common recruitment pitfalls that could drive potential candidates away. But how do we do that? What are some things we should be keeping in mind when we are in the […]

Effective Onboarding for New Employees

Effective Onboarding for New Employees We all want to give our new employees the best start possible, and the first few weeks and months are crucial! Don’t forget, onboarding is much more than creating a good first impression. It’s about laying the foundations for a strong, lasting, and productive working relationship. When you have someone […]

How to Navigate Job Offers

How to Navigate Job Offers No matter how much you want a job, it’s rare to get an offer that matches all your ideal terms! After a successful interview, you might receive a job offer, but what should you do if the offer isn’t what you expected? Your options are to 1) accept the offer […]

Updating Your Resume

Updating Your Resume Are you applying for jobs but struggling to get interview invitations? Improving your chances to get those interviews might be as simple as giving your resume a few updates! Your resume is your first impression with a potential employer, so it’s crucial to make it look its best! Here are a few […]

Getting Started as a New Manager

Getting Started as a New Manager Hi, new manager! Ready to step into your new role? Whether you’re in construction, corporate, healthcare, or hospitality, leading a team is a significant responsibility. Feeling a mix of excitement and nerves? Totally normal! Being a manager isn’t just about giving orders; it’s about guiding and supporting your team […]

Checking in with Your Team

Checking in with Your Team Getting the best people for your team takes time and effort, but it’s totally worth it when they bring value to your business! The hard part might just be getting them to stay… That’s why it’s super important to have a plan to keep them around for the long haul. […]

Should I Really Apply if I Don’t Have all the Requirements?

Should I Really Apply if I Don’t Have all the Requirements? Have you ever seen a job listing and thought, “Hey, I could do that!” but then got discouraged because you didn’t meet everything on the list of requirements? Well, guess what? You’re not alone. Many people looking for jobs won’t apply if they didn’t […]

Enhancing Your Customer Service Skills

Enhancing Your Customer Service Skills You’ve heard of customer service employees, (or maybe you have even been one), but who are they, exactly? Customer service workers are the friendly faces you see at the front of a store or on the phone when you have a question about a product, or service; they help keep […]

Tips for Creating Your Elevator Pitch

Tips for Creating Your Elevator Pitch Marketing yourself can sometimes seem scary when it comes to sharing your skills and abilities with a networking group or potential employer. But! There’s a way… We know that introducing yourself in a professional setting can be tough. That’s where an elevator pitch comes in handy! An elevator pitch […]

What Are Analytical Skills & Why Are They Important?

What Are Analytical Skills & Why Are They Important? Analytical skills are practical, useful, and generally quite highly valued by employers. They can be used to problem solve and make decisions based on information about a particular situation or issue. Analyzing information isn’t just about understanding it—it’s about using those analytical skills to draw conclusions […]