Social Skills in the Workplace

Every day, we use our social skills when we talk with family, message friends, or even chat with strangers online.

But these skills are not just for personal life—they’re important at work too. Having strong social skills helps you talk well with co-workers, understand how teams work, and fit into your workplace’s culture, even if you’re working from home. Let’s explore what social skills are and how you can get better at them.

What are social skills? 

Social skills, also called interpersonal skills, are the ways we communicate and interact with others. They cover things like talking (both in-person and online), understanding body language, and even writing and visual communication.

Why are social skills important?

At work, social skills are super important. No matter what job you do, they help you build good relationships with teammates, bosses, and clients. Good social skills make it easier to work together, solve problems, and make the workplace a happy place to co-exist with others.

How can I improve my social skills?

Improving your social skills takes practice. Here are some tips:


Here are some additional answers to questions you might have about social skills at work.

What are key social skills at work?

Effective communication, teamwork, leadership, empathy, and active listening.

Practice chatting with a friend, family member, or colleague, and ask for their feedback on how you did. For example, ask for feedback on your tone of voice, body language, and the words you used.

Not necessarily, both sets of skills are important for different reasons. (You can learn more about technical skills in our article “Why Add Technical Skills to your Resume”).

Yes, it can make it harder to get along with others in your workplace, and this can make it more difficult to advance your career.

Role-playing with a friend, family member or colleague, practicing mindfulness and self-awareness, and setting goals are all good exercises.

Holding a conversation (whether that be about a job at work, feelings/emotions, or simply about the weather), understanding emotions, having empathy for others and actively listening to what they are saying, and resolving conflicts peacefully.

Overall, being able to have a good set of social skills both inside, (and outside), of the workplace is an important part of healthy relationships with others.

Here are additional resources to help you nail down those social skills!

Kootenay Employment Services expands on the topic of social and communication skills in our article “Communication Skills and Your Resume”.

The Balance is an agency that provides support and guidance around finances. Their article outlines their top 6 social skills for workplace success.

Kara Ronin is a career and leadership coach and in her video she explains different ways to work on important social skills for the workplace.

Indeed is a job-seekers’ website with job postings from across the world. Their article provides additional detail on social skills with examples.