Tips for Writing a Great Job Ad

It’s challenging to find the perfect team members, but it all starts with an effective job advertisement.

The primary challenge that employers often face lies in attracting the right candidates. This could be due to the overall job market conditions, but how you write your job ad plays a crucial role too.

To begin, let’s explore the two key elements of your job ad!

Short Description

This is what job seekers see first when they’re browsing online. It’s essential to make a strong impression here.

Consider these aspects:

Long Description

Crafting an effective job ad is key to drawing in the best talent.

Here are some steps to enhance your ad:

Additional Tips

  • Optimize for Mobile Viewing: Many job seekers use their phones, so ensure your ad is mobile-friendly.
  • Include a Video: If available, add a video that showcases your company culture and values, making your ad stand out.
  • Post in Multiple Locations: Where possible, post your job add across multiple locations to reach a wider audience. For example, on your local community job board, Indeed, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

Overall, a well-crafted job ad not only attracts talented individuals but also showcases your company as an exciting place to work.

Here’s some additional resources on writing your job ads!

Business Development Canada is an online resource that provides support to both small, and medium-sized businesses, across Canada. They aim to support entrepreneurs with the development of their business. Their article on writing effective job ads highlights their top 5 “things to include” in a listing. 

Canada Talents is a community-driven agency that focuses on inclusivity and diverse talents in the workplace. Their article touches on the importance of optimizing your ad with keywords, and how to write your ad geared towards potential candidates. 

HAYS is a company that provides support to employees to help them reach their career goals, while simultaneously supporting employers and their businesses to reach their goals. Their article on writing the best job ads touches on key insights and data that is important to note, as well as details on the written description itself, use of language, and more!

Indeed is a job seeker’s website with job postings from across the world. Their article outlines the details of what should be included in an effective job posting, and provides concrete examples of how they could be written.