Tips for Creating Your Elevator Pitch

Marketing yourself can sometimes seem scary when it comes to sharing your skills and abilities with a networking group or potential employer. But! There’s a way…

We know that introducing yourself in a professional setting can be tough. That’s where an elevator pitch comes in handy! An elevator pitch is a short, snappy summary of who you are, what you’re good at, and what you’re aiming for. Even if you’re not hunting for a job, having a prepared pitch on-hand helps people quickly get what you’re about. Especially if you’re networking at a career fair, connecting with stakeholders, or reaching out to other similar businesses for support.

Think of it this way: a great elevator pitch is like a quick ad for yourself! It’s clear, brief, and shows off your best skills and abilities. It’s called an elevator pitch because it should be as short as an elevator ride – around 30 seconds. But you don’t have to be limited to sharing your pitch in elevators; you can use it anywhere, from job fairs to chance meetings at the dog park.

What goes into a good elevator pitch?

To summarize, a nice, solid elevator pitch has four parts: who you are, what you do, why you’re special, and where you’re headed. You need to include those, the who, what, why, and where. It gives you a guideline that you can base your pitch off of and it makes writing and remembering it that much easier!

Here are some examples:

Remember, keep it short, sweet, and natural. Practice makes perfect, so rehearse with a friend or in front of a mirror. Get comfy with your pitch so you can shine when the moment comes! Use a professional and friendly tone, try to avoid fidgeting and stay engaged with your audience. They will appreciate your excellent social skills and approachable demeanor!

How could I add the skills from my elevator pitch to my resume?

If you want to show off your skills on your resume, you can list them in the skills section, talk about how you’ve used them in past jobs, or even mention them in your summary or objective statement.

Not sure how to do that? Not to worry!

We have a wide variety of resources for you to access. KES has two other articles on adding various skills to your resume! There is “Why Add Technical Skills to your Resume?” and “Communication Skills and Your Resume”.

Still not quite what you’re looking for? Or perhaps you’re new to the workforce, or returning after a break, and aren’t sure where to start?

We have an article for youth, “Creating a Resume as a High-School Student”, as well as an online resume and cover letter builder for you to access anytime!

Overall, the elevator pitch should be customized to you and your individual strengths, abilities, skills, and experience! Employ the who, what, why and where to make your personal “ad” shine! You’ve got this.

Here are additional resources to help you identify analytical skills and add them to your resume!

Kootenay Employment Services offers several online tools, one of which is our resume and cover letter builders. Get started on your student resume today!

Kootenay Employment Services has a collection of articles on building the best resume that you can. Are you wanting to add more and bulk up your resume? Read on for our article on “Communication Skills and Your Resume”.

Indeed is a job-seekers’ website with job postings from across the world. Their video from their YouTube channel provides concrete examples and ways to create your elevator pitch!

Indeed is a job-seekers’ website with job postings from across the world. Their article provides details and examples for giving an elevator pitch.