Encouraging Your New Employees to Stay

Getting the best people for your team takes time and effort, but it’s totally worth it when they bring value to your business! The hard part might just be getting them to stay… That’s why it’s super important to have a plan to keep them around for the long haul.

So, let’s jump right in! Here are five comprehensive tips that we want to share with you that may encourage your new hires to stick around.

Build an onboarding plan with these 5 tips in mind!

1. Be honest

Starting a new job can feel like diving into the deep end of a pool and not being able to see the bottom. It’s scary if it’s not what you expected!

So, from the get-go, make sure you’re honest about what the job is really like; be clear and provide details on the job description, expectations for work ethic and behaviour, etc. But be sure that you share both the good stuff and the not-so-good stuff. Sure, that sounds like it might seem intimidating, but it’s better to be straight-up from the start.

No job is perfect all the time, right? Right.

So, it is better that your new employee knows what to expect on a daily basis, as much as is possible.

2. Make them feel at home

Onboarding isn’t just about showing them where the coffee machine is (but that’s certainly important)!

It’s about making them feel like they belong and are an important part of your team. Teaching them what your company is all about, what are the company’s standards and values, and giving them the tools that they need to be able to efficiently learn their role and succeed.

Remember! Onboarding isn’t a one-day thing either. It’s an ongoing process that includes conversations about your goals as an employer/manager, about their goals, what they’re supposed to do, and how you can help them during their new employment journey.

Workplace culture starts from the top down, and it’s up to you to make that healthy team environment happen. And we just so happen to have some tips for you in our article “Why Good Team Relationships Matter”.

3. Be crystal clear about what’s expected

We cannot stress this enough!

Instead of just handing them a job description and calling it a day, talk to them about what success looks like in their role, provide them with training opportunities (there are free and open-source ones out there!), and ensure they understand what is expected of them.

Here’s a hint: make sure you both agree on what they’re supposed to achieve in the long-term; this helps them see a future with your company.

But! Are you a small business and aren’t sure how to get started even hiring your first employee?


No stress, we’ve got resources for you. You can take a look at KES’s article “Hiring Staff as a Small Business Owner” for more ideas.

4. Be there for them

It might seem like a give-in but think about it. Everyone likes to feel supported, right?

So, give your employees positive feedback and encouragement for their hard work and when they do a job well-done. It makes a big difference when people know their efforts are noticed and appreciated! It can encourage them to make a continuous effort to do well and improve.

5. Help them grow

People are more likely to stick around if they know their company cares about their future. Training doesn’t have to mean expensive workshops. A lot of it can happen right on the job, you can find free resources, and/or look for local and nearby courses or seminars that you can send your staff to. For example, colleges like College of the Rockies and Selkirk College offer a variety of longer courses and day courses across various locations.

Alternatively, there are online course options available as well to save everyone on travel time and funds!

Here are some examples of free online trainings across different fields:**

Want a copy of this list to come back to? Not a problem! We’ve made this list available to download in the resources section below.

**Keep in mind that while all of these online resources listed are free, some require you to create an account with their platform and/or download software.

Overall, we know that losing great talent, especially newbies, stinks. But if you have a solid onboarding plan to keep them happy that involves connection, growth opportunities and goals, they’ll probably stick around a lot longer than six months. And that’s a win for everyone!

Here are some additional resources on retaining new staff!

Kootenay Employment Services has put together a list with a variety of career options, each featuring 2 different free, online training opportunities and certifications.

Kootenay Employment Services has an article with our tips for creating a fantastic workplace culture.

The Canadian Government has an article with a wealth of resources on how to retain internationally trained staff.

Indeed is a job seekers’ and employers website that offers a wide variety of job postings from around the world. Their article offers their top 10 strategies for retaining new employees.