Revamping Your Job Ad Phrases

When you’re putting up job ads, the words you choose can make a big difference in who applies
Some phrases might not send the message you want and could even turn off potential candidates. Let’s talk about five of these phrases and how you can say things differently to attract more applicants.
Let's start revamping some common job ad phrases...
1. "No two days the same".
First up, saying “no two days are the same” might sound exciting, but it could make people think the job is always chaotic.
Instead, you can say something like “an exciting and rewarding opportunity”, or “engaging and rewarding work” to show there’s variety without implying the working environment is all chaos and overwhelm.
2. "Work hard, play hard".
Next, “work hard, play hard” might sound fun, but it doesn’t talk about having a good balance between work and personal life.
Instead, you could mention specific social activities the company has, or that your company has a social committee, to show that there’s room for both work and fun. For example, “we value a healthy work-life balance, and have a social committee that is dedicated to staff fun and engagement”.
3. "Wear many hats".
Then there’s “wear many hats,” which might sound like you’re expected to do everything under the sun.
Instead, you can list out the different responsibilities of the job to give a clearer picture of what’s expected. For example, instead of “wear many hats” or, “responsibilities will vary”, make sure to provide a list. Perhaps something like, “will be trained and various duties such as stocking shelves, running the till and making sales, and basic cleaning duties around the store such as mopping the floors and dusting shelves.”
4. "High performance culture".
“High-performance culture” might sound impressive, but it could scare off some people who don’t want to feel pressured to work non-stop.
Instead, you could say something like “we support you in reaching your goals”, or “we encourage our staff to share their career goals and aspirations with us, so that we can help you grow”, to show that success is encouraged without implying constant stress.
5. "Highly committed person".
Lastly, saying you want a “highly committed person” could make it seem like your company has trouble keeping employees.
Instead, you can talk about wanting someone who wants to grow with the company, which sounds more positive. For example, “we are looking for candidates who want to continue to learn and grow in their career”.
Still feel stuck? Not to worry, KES has more resources for you!
Here are some extra tips and tricks, plus 4 additional resources, on “Writing a Great Job Ad”.
Not quite what you’re looking for? Want something more specific? We also have hiring advice, (with another 4 resources), for entrepreneurs who are looking to expand their team in our article “Hiring Staff as a Small Business Owner”.
When you’re writing job ads, it’s important to be clear and avoid using clichés or phrases that could be misunderstood. By choosing your words carefully, you’ll attract the right people to apply for the job.

Here are some additional resources on revamping your job ads!
Indeed is a job seeker’s website with job postings from across the world. Their article provides additional details on writing an excellent job ad.
Kootenay Employment Services has an article with our tips for writing a great job ad, and we’ve also curated a list of 4 additional resources for you to access to write the job ad that will bring all the candidates to your door.
Zippia is an agency that supports job seekers and employers alike! Their article offers their 9 steps to writing a compelling job ad.
Betterteam is an online company that provides job advertising and HR services. Their article offers details on how to write an effective job ad and also includes a template to follow!